The Megacon Convention was off the hook! I went with my friend Jessalyn Graham. There were a whole lot of people that dressed up as different characters. It felt like a halloween party. Jessalyn was gonna dress up as Uhura but she chickened out last minute. haha That's right. I got to meet alot of kool artists like
Ray-Anthony Height and Matt. Got an awesome signed poster of Wonder Woman from Ray. Picked up a copy of the all new
Botobit Volume 1. The guys that run it,
Wesley and Ryan Eggebrecht were very generous in checking out my portfolio. Everyone was generous in checking out my port.
I got alot of good feedback despite the fact that my portfolio wasn't geared towards comics. I gotta beef that up a notch. I think my style is gonna shift in that direction given this new comic influence I'm having now. I'm definitely gonna have a supa slammin' portfolio to show at Comic Con this July. As you can see I threw in some Zorro studies last minute before Megacon, just to get my feet wet.
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