Wassup Yall!! This is my first entry in my brand spankin' new blog. I hope to get lots of visitors and lots of input about my work. This would have to be the first successful illustration that I have ever done. It was done in Acrylics on coldpress illustration board. Shout out to my dawg Mirald in Ringling for coaching me through the painting process. If it wasn't for his tips, the piece wouldn't have been the success that it is. I'm very proud of this piece and hope to work with acrylics more often now. I always considered myself as a bad painter, but after I crancked this baby out, I have a stronger confident approach to painting now. I LOVE IT!!
This piece was an assignment given to me by my illustration instructor Lisa French. It's on the muscical "It's a Wonderful Life". The musical is all done by one actor playing mulitple roles at the same time. So that's why they both look like the same dude. They were gonna select a piece for the musical here in Sarasota but I think they punked out. But anyway, I'm in desperate need of money and I might consider putting this painting up for sale.
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