Yeeeaaah. lol.I was trying out this certain approach to drawing. I decided to apply it to a Norman Rockwell study. Basically, I draw a silhouette of where I want my image to line up within the composition. I make sure the sillo is as perfect as possible. Once I have a pretty accurate outline of the figure, I start drawing in the shadow shapes. And I just start drawing the facial features and so on.
I'm trying out this new technique of smearing graphite all over the face. And then bringing out the highlights with a kneeded eraser. It's given me some pretty good results. I also applied some color with photoshop.
The dude on the right is mah boy Serg. Yo Serg, this ones for you homie! I'm gonna start this campaign on myspace of sketching my friends. It'll keep me motivated. I'm gonna keep on studying Rockwell. He's the man. Also, I've been looking at Jon Whitcomb.